Author Archives: PA2S

Down under & over the top

Down under & over the top

Nov 10th, 2016 and the following morning brought two presents, that I really appreciate. Reports from VK7BO appeared on showing reception of European stations on 60 meters. I decided to put out some CQ’s to see if my signal arrived. Well it did! In the past, VK7BO received my JT65 signal, which was a… Continue reading »

More noise

More noise

In a recent post, I reported about my situation, comparing it with CISPR limits and came to the conclusion that these limits do not offer the required protection to comply with the European EMC directive. On the web, I found a report on the website of the European Communications Committee (ECC report 024, local copy),… Continue reading »

Noise, noise, noise

Noise, noise, noise

One of the most disturbing developments of the current time is the vast amount of electronic devices that are produced and fin their way to homes and businesses. Electronics have been around for many years, but in the past, these were mostly of an analogue nature. Yes, there were compatibility problems, but most problems were… Continue reading »

QRPp on 60 meters

On Sunday, Sep 11, 2016, M0JCQ/P was experimenting with low power. He was using a portable setup with a KX3. James recorded the experiment. I like the nice country view, that can be seen near the end of the video. With regard to the QSO, unfortunately, I did not record my end of the contact,… Continue reading »

Surprise reception from VP8ALJ

Surprise reception from VP8ALJ

Another remarkable surprise reception of my JT65 signals was noticed on Sep, 9th, 2016. VP8ALJ apparently had a receiver running on 60 meters and copied my signal with -21 dB. Not only a remarkable distance (nearly 13,000 km) but also showing what 60 meters has to offer. Thanks to VP8ALJ for his effort!  

Antenna memories (1992)

Antenna memories (1992)

Below, an annotated picture of my antenna setup, taken in 1992 (click on the photo to enlarge). Some years later, I moved to a different QTH and unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to put up the mast again:-(