Tag Archives: Ionosphere

Solar cycle 25 thoughts

Solar cycle 25 thoughts

Recently, I wrote some comments about the remainder of the current solar cycle. I am not overly optimistic about the possibility of good 6 m condx after this winter. A long time ago I came to the conclusion that predictions are unreliable at best. But it is nevertheless interesting to look at some data and… Continue reading »

50 MHz Cycle 25 reporting

50 MHz Cycle 25 reporting

There were times that reports were collected by editors of newsletters. PA0BN edited the Dutch VHF bulletin for many years and my observations were sent to him to merge with those of other active amateurs. The newsletters were a joy to read. Nowadays, there are many blogs and fora, resulting in a lot but distributed… Continue reading »

Between Dusk and Dawn

Our radio friends in New Zealand informed me that the article on 60 metre propagation was published in the NZART magazine “Break-In”. Below, a link to the article as I submitted it. 60_metre_EU_ZL_propagation_PA2S Summary (taken from the longer version of the study) The author, radio amateur, became intrigued by ionospheric propagation during the late 70’s… Continue reading »

Propagation to VK continues

Propagation to VK continues

Today, another good opening to Australia was recorded. During the last month, quite a number of openings occurred, showing that propagation from Europe to Australia is not as rare as I initially thought. In a number of cases, a peak is observed around 19:30 UTC. At that time, in Australia the sun is already above… Continue reading »